Socket Weld Flange / SWRF Flange

ASME/ANSI B16.5, B16.47 Socket Weld Flange Manufacturers

A Socket Weld Flange is a type of flange used to connect pipes in high-pressure systems, typically in smaller sizes (up to 2 inches). It features a socket that allows the pipe to be inserted into the flange, where it is then welded in place. This design provides a strong and leak-proof connection, making socket weld flanges ideal for use in systems where space is limited and where resistance to pressure and temperature is required. Commonly used in industries like oil and gas, petrochemical, and power generation, these flanges are available in various materials such as stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel. Socket weld flanges offer a secure, durable connection and are favored for their ease of installation and reliable performance in high-stress environments.

Ample Alloys is a leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of high-quality Socket Weld Flanges designed to meet the demands of various industries. Known for their commitment to quality, We offers socket weld flanges made from premium materials, ensuring durability and reliability even in high-pressure environments. We provides socket weld flanges in a wide range of sizes, pressure ratings, and custom specifications to cater to the unique requirements of each client. With a focus on precision, timely delivery, and competitive pricing, We are trusted choice for socket weld flanges that meet international standards, providing strong and secure connections for critical piping systems.

ASME/ANSI B16.5, B16.47 Socket Weld Flange

Raised Face Socket Weld Flange, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel Socket Weld Flange, Forged Socket Weld Flange, High Pressure Socket Weld Flange, Welded Socket Weld Flange, Class 150 Socket Weld Flange, Socket Weld Flange for Piping

Socket Weld Flange ANSI B16.5

Size Range

15mm ( 1/2" NPS ) up to 600mm ( 24" NPS ), For 2500# in sizes from NPS 1/2 to NPS 12

Flange Face Type

FF—Flat Face, RF—Raised Face, FM—Female Face, M—Male Face, T—Tongue Face, G—Groove Face, RJ—Ring Joint.

Stainless Steel

ASTM A182 F 304, 304L, 304H, 316, 316L, 316H, 317, 317L, 321, 321H, 310, 310S, 347, 904L, etc.

Standards / Dimension

ANSI/ASME B16.5, B 16.47 Series A & B, B16.48, BS4504, BS 10, EN-1092, DIN

Carbon Steel

ASTM A105/A105N (SA105N), LTCS A350 LF2, A694

Alloy Steel

ASTM A182 / SA182 - F1 / F5 / F9 / F11 / F12 / F22 / F91

Pressure Class

150#, 300#, 600#, 900#, 1500#, 2500#, PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN64.

Duplex & Super Duplex

ASTM A182 / ASME SA182 - S31803, S32205, 2205, S32750, S32760, S32950, 2507.


EN 10204 3.2 and EN 10204 3.1, Test Certificates certifying NACE MR0175, NACE MR0103

ASME/ANSI B16.5, B16.47 Socket Weld Flange Dimensions

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Thickness (T) Raised Face Diameter (R) Length Thru Hub (Y) Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket(D) Approximate Weight (lbs) Bolt Circle (C)
1/2 3.50 0.44 1.38 0.63 1.19 0.62 0.88 0.38 1 2.38
3/4 3.88 0.50 1.69 0.63 1.50 0.82 1.09 0.44 2 2.75
1 4.25 0.56 2.00 0.69 1.94 1.05 1.36 0.50 2 3.13
1 1/4 4.63 0.63 2.50 0.81 2.31 1.38 1.70 0.56 3 3.50
1 1/2 5.00 0.69 2.88 0.88 2.56 1.61 1.95 0.63 3 3.88
2 6.00 0.75 3.63 1.00 3.06 2.07 2.44 0.69 5 4.75
2 1/2 7.00 0.88 4.13 1.13 3.56 2.47 2.94 0.75 7 5.50
3 7.50 0.94 5.00 1.19 4.25 3.07 3.57 0.81 8 6.00
3 1/2 8.50 0.94 5.50 1.25 4.81 3.55 4.07 0.88 11 7.00
4 9.00 0.94 6.19 1.31 5.31 4.03 4.57 0.94 13 7.50
5 10.00 0.94 7.31 1.44 6.44 5.05 5.66 0.94 15 8.50
6 11.00 1.00 8.50 1.56 7.56 6.07 6.72 1.06 19 9.50
8 13.50 1.13 10.63 1.75 9.69 7.98 8.72 1.25 30 11.75
10 16.00 1.19 12.75 1.94 12.00 10.02 10.88 1.31 43 14.25
12 19.00 1.25 15.00 2.19 14.38 12.00 12.088 1.56 64 17.00
14 21.00 1.38 16.25 2.25 15.75 13.25 14.14 1.63 90 18.75
16 23.50 1.44 18.50 2.50 18.00 15.25 16.16 1.75 98 21.25
18 25.00 1.56 21.00 2.69 19.88 17.25 18.18 1.94 130 22.75
20 27.50 1.69 23.00 2.88 22.00 19.25 20.20 2.13 165 25.00
22 29.50 1.81 25.25 3.13 24.25 21.25 22.22 2.38 185 27.25
24 32.00 1.88 27.25 3.25 26.13 23.25 24.25 2.50 220 29.50
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Thickness (T) Raised Face Diameter (R) Length Thru Hub (Y) Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Approximate Weight (lbs) Bolt Circle (C) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes
1/2 3.75 0.56 1.38 0.88 1.50 0.62 0.88 0.38 2 2.63 4 0.63
3/4 4.63 0.63 1.69 1.00 1.88 0.82 1.09 0.44 3 3.25 4 0.75
1 4.88 0.69 2.00 1.06 2.13 1.05 1.36 0.50 3 3.50 4 0.75
1 1/4 5.25 0.75 2.50 1.06 2.50 1.38 1.70 0.56 4 3.88 4 0.75
1 1/2 6.13 0.81 2.88 1.19 2.75 1.61 1.95 0.63 6 4.50 4 0.88
2 6.50 0.88 3.63 1.31 3.31 2.07 2.44 0.69 7 5.00 8 0.75
2 1/2 7.50 1.00 4.13 1.50 3.94 2.47 2.94 0.75 10 5.88 8 0.88
3 8.25 1.13 5.00 1.69 4.63 3.07 3.57 0.81 13 6.63 8 0.88
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Thickness (T) Raised Face Diameter (R) Length Thru Hub (Y) Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Approximate Weight (lbs) Bolt Circle (C) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes
1/2 3.75 0.56 1.38 0.88 1.50 Specified by purchaser 0.88 0.38 2 2.63 4 0.63
3/4 4.63 0.63 1.69 1.00 1.88 Specified by purchaser 1.09 0.44 3 3.25 4 0.75
1 4.88 0.69 2.00 1.06 2.13 Specified by purchaser 1.36 0.50 4 3.50 4 0.75
1 1/4 5.25 0.81 2.50 1.13 2.50 Specified by purchaser 1.70 0.56 5 3.88 4 0.75
1 1/2 6.13 0.88 2.88 1.25 2.75 Specified by purchaser 1.95 0.63 7 4.50 4 0.88
2 6.50 1.00 3.63 1.44 3.31 Specified by purchaser 2.44 0.69 9 5.00 8 0.75
2 1/2 7.50 1.13 4.13 1.63 3.94 Specified by purchaser 2.94 0.75 13 5.88 8 0.88
3 8.25 1.25 5.00 1.81 4.63 Specified by purchaser 3.57 0.81 16 6.63 8 0.88
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Thickness (T) Raised Face Diameter (R) Length Thru Hub (Y) Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Approximate Weight (lbs) Bolt Circle (C) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes
1/2 4.75 0.88 1.38 1.25 1.50 Specified by purchaser 0.88 0.38 5 3.25 4 0.88
3/4 5.13 1.00 1.69 1.38 1.75 Specified by purchaser 1.09 0.44 6 3.50 4 0.88
1 5.88 1.13 2.00 1.63 2.06 Specified by purchaser 1.36 0.50 9 4.00 4 1.00
1 1/4 6.25 1.13 2.50 1.63 2.50 Specified by purchaser 1.70 0.56 10 4.38 4 1.00
1 1/2 7.00 1.25 2.88 1.75 2.75 Specified by purchaser 1.95 0.63 13 4.88 4 1.13
2 8.50 1.50 3.63 2.25 4.13 Specified by purchaser 2.44 0.69 25 6.50 8 1.00
2 1/2 9.63 1.63 4.13 2.50 4.88 Specified by purchaser 2.94 0.75 36 7.50 8 1.13
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Thickness (T) Raised Face Diameter (R) Length Thru Hub (Y) Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Approximate Weight (lbs) Bolt Circle (C) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes
1/2 4.75 0.88 1.38 1.25 1.50 Specified by purchaser 0.88 0.38 4 3.25 4 0.88
3/4 5.13 1.00 1.69 1.38 1.75 Specified by purchaser 1.09 0.44 5 3.50 4 0.88
1 5.88 1.13 2.00 1.63 2.06 Specified by purchaser 1.36 0.50 8 4.00 4 1.00
1 1/4 6.25 1.13 2.50 1.63 2.50 Specified by purchaser 1.70 0.56 9 4.38 4 1.00
1 1/2 7.00 1.25 2.88 1.75 2.75 Specified by purchaser 1.95 0.63 12 4.88 4 1.13
2 8.50 1.50 3.63 2.25 4.13 Specified by purchaser 2.44 0.69 25 6.50 8 1.00
2 1/2 9.63 1.63 4.13 2.50 4.88 Specified by purchaser 2.94 0.75 36 7.50 8 1.13

SWRF Flange Standards

SWRF (Slip-On Weld Neck Flange) is a type of flange used in piping systems, combining features of both Slip-On and Weld Neck flanges. These flanges are commonly used for medium and high-pressure applications due to their strength and ease of installation.

  1. ASME/ANSI Standards (American):
    • ASME B16.5 – Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (NPS 1/2" to 24").
    • ASME B16.47 – Large Diameter Steel Flanges (Series A & B, NPS 26" to 60").
    • ASME B16.36 – Orifice Flanges.
    • ASME B16.48 – Line Blanks (Spectacle, Spade, and Spacer Flanges).
    • ANSI B16.1 – Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
    • ANSI B16.42 – Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
  2. ISO Standards (International)
    • ISO 7005-1 – Steel Flanges for General Applications.
    • ISO 7005-2 – Cast Iron Flanges.
    • ISO 7005-3 – Copper Alloy Flanges.
  3. EN Standards (European)
    • EN 1092-1 – Steel Flanges.
    • EN 1092-2 – Cast Iron Flanges.
    • EN 1092-3 – Copper Alloy Flanges.
    • EN 1092-4 – Aluminium Alloy Flanges.
  4. DIN Standards (German)
    • DIN 2527 – Blind Flanges.
    • DIN 2576 – Slip-On Flanges (PN 10).
    • DIN 2633 – Weld Neck Flanges (PN 16).
    • DIN 2634 – Weld Neck Flanges (PN 25).
    • DIN 2635 – Weld Neck Flanges (PN 40).
  5. JIS Standards (Japanese)
    • JIS B2220 – Steel Pipe Flanges.
  6. GOST Standards (Russian)
    • GOST 12820 – Flat Flanges for Steel Pipe Joints.
    • GOST 12821 – Steel Welded Flanges for High-Pressure Applications.
    • GOST 33259 – Flange Connections for Industrial Equipment and Pipelines.
  7. BS Standards (British)
    • BS 4504 – Circular Flanges for Pipes, Valves, and Fittings.
    • BS 10 – Specification for Flanges and Bolting.
  8. API Standards (Oil & Gas)
    • API 6A – Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment Flanges.
    • API 605 – Large-Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges (merged into ASME B16.47 Series B).
  9. AWWA Standards (Waterworks)
    • AWWA C207 – Steel Ring Flanges for Waterworks Service.
  10. MSS Standards (Manufacturer's Standardization Society)
    • MSS SP-44 – Steel Pipe Flanges (merged into ASME B16.47 Series A).
    • MSS SP-51 – Flanges for Glass-Lined Equipment.
  11. Material-Specific Standards (ASTM)
    • ASTM A105 – Carbon Steel Forged Flanges.
    • ASTM A182 – Alloy and Stainless Steel Forged Flanges.
    • ASTM A350 – Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Flanges for Low-Temperature Service.
    • ASTM A694 – High-Strength Carbon and Alloy Steel Flanges for High-Pressure Applications.
  12. Other Regional and Specialized Standards
    • KS B1511 – Korean Standard Flanges.
    • NF E29-206 – French Standard Flanges.
    • SANS 1123 – South African Standard for Steel Flanges.
Why Ample Alloys For Raised Face Socket Weld Flanges!

Our commitment to timely delivery, rigorous quality control, and competitive pricing ensures that you receive high-performance flanges for your piping systems on schedule, every time.

Unmatched Quality

Flanges manufactured to meet international standards like ASTM, ASME, DIN, and EN.

High-Quality Manufacturing

Adhering to international standards like ANSI/ASME B16.5 for superior performance and durability.

Precision and Customization

Tailored solutions in size, pressure ratings, and materials for seamless integration.

Timely Delivery

Efficient manufacturing and global supply chain ensure on-time delivery.

Socket Weld Flanges are ideal for small diameter, high-pressure piping systems due to their strong weld and the ability to handle high mechanical stresses. They are easy to install and require less space than other types of flanges.

Yes, Ample Alloys offers customized socket weld flanges tailored to specific size, pressure rating, and material requirements to suit your unique application.

A Socket Weld Flange has a socket into which the pipe is inserted and welded, while a Slip-On Flange simply slides over the pipe and is then welded at both the inside and outside edges.

Available Types of Flanges